Adolfo Venturi




Italian art historian.

Country of origin



Adolfo Venturi was born in Modena in 1856. Son of a decorator, he continued the family artistic tradition and in 1872 he attended the Academy of Fine Arts of Modena. In 1875 he obtained his diploma (commercial expert). In 1877 he obtained a qualification for teaching in schools. In 1878 he was appointed curator of the Estense Gallery of Modena. In 1888 he was appointed inspector general of the Fine Arts at the Ministry of Education in Rome. In 1896 he was appointed to the chair of medieval and modern art at the University of Rome where he established modern art courses. As an art professor he remained at the University until his retirement in 1931. Together with Dominico Gnoli (1838-1915) he founded the magazine Archivio storico d'arte (named, after 1901, L'Arte) in 1888, editing it until 1940.

historian's relations

Rome Modena Galleria Estense

Main works

Venturi, A. (1882). La R. Galleria Estense in Modena. Modena: Toschi & C.

Venturi, A. (1896). Tesori d'arte inediti di Roma. Roma: Anderson

Venturi, A. (1901). Storia dell'arte italiana. Milano: Hoepli

Venturi, A. (1906). La Galleria Sterbini in Roma: saggio illustrativo. Roma: Casa Ed. De L'arte

Venturi, A. (1914). Un' opera sconosciuta di Leon Battista Alberti. Roma: Tip. Unione Ed.

Venturi, A. (1922). Le opere primitive di Leon Battista Alberti. Roma: La poligrafica nazionale

Venturi, A. (1922). Per Leonardo da Vinci. Roma: Casa editrice de L'Arte

Venturi, A. (1921). Piero della Francesca. Firenze: Alinari

Venturi, A. (1926). Correggio. Roma: A. Stock

Venturi, A. (1927). Memorie autobiografiche. Milano: Hoepli


Venturi Adolfo (complex of fonds)