Hungarian engineer and art historian. He trained as an engineer and became a senior manager in the Hungarian railways. Following a two-year study trip to Italy (1876–8), he resigned his post and embarked upon a new career as an art historian. He visited Paris and London and in 1880 settled in Stuttgart. Fabriczy devoted the greater part of his life to the study of Italian, and in particular Florentine, Renaissance art. In 1892 he published a major study of the life and work of the Florentine architect and engineer Filippo Brunelleschi. At the same time, after research in the Biblioteca Nazionale of Florence, most notably on 16th-century documents (the Codice Strozziano and Codice Petrei) containing notes on Florentine artists of considerable art historical value, he published the so-called Libro di Antonio Billi (1891; see Billi, Antonio) and the Codice dell’Anonimo Magliabechiano (1893). Fabriczy’s research had been undertaken in consultation with the Florentine art historian Gaetano Milanesi, but he was careful to correct the German scholar Karl Frey, whose own interpretation of the same manuscripts (1892) did not always agree with Fabriczy’s, when Frey wrote that Milanesi had helped Fabriczy to discover the Codices. In the later 1890s Fabriczy began to collaborate with Wilhelm Bode on a revised edition of Jakob Burckhardt’s guidebook to Italian art, Der Cicerone (1855). In 1903 Fabriczy published his study of Italian Renaissance medals, a work which, by bringing together the results of scholarship to date and combining the numismatic approach with an appreciation of medals as works of art, may rank as his most original and perhaps most valuable contribution to art historical study. (
historian's relations
Fabriczy, C. (1879). Zur Kunstgeschichte der Hohenstaufenzeit. Leipzig: Seemann
Fabriczy, C. (1891). Il libro di Antonio Billi e le sue copie nella Biblioteca Nazionale di Firenze. In Archivio storico italiano (5 Ser., 7, pp. 299–368). Firenze: Cellini
Fabriczy, C. (1892). Filippo Brunelleschi: Sein Leben und Seine Werke. Stuttgart: Cotta
Fabriczy, C. (1893). Il codice dell’Anonimo Gaddiano (Cod. magliabechiano XVII, 17) nella biblioteca nazionale di Firenze. In Archivio storico italiano (5 Ser., 3-4, pp. 1-142). Firenze: Cellini
Fabriczy, C. (1902). Die Handzeichnungen Giulianos da Sangallo: kritisches Verzeichnis. Stuttgart: Gerschel in Komm.
Fabriczy, C. (1902). Niccolo di Piero Lamberti d’Arezzo: nuovi appunti sulla vita e sulle opere del maestro. Firenze: Galileiana
Fabriczy, C. (1903). Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance. Leipzig: Seemann
Mackowsky, H. (1910), Cornel von Fabriczy, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft, (Vol. 33.1910, pp. 485-492). Berlin: Georg Reimer
Cornelio de Fabriczy (1910): [necrologio, a cura di alcuni amici fiorentini], con la bibliografia dei principali scritti di C. De Fabriczy sull'arte italiana. Sonderdruck aus : Rivista d'arte. Firenze. 7.1910, 5
Mackowsky, H. (1904), [Rezension von:] Fabriczy, Cornelius v.: Medaillen der italienischen Renaissance. Leipzig : Seemann, 1903, in Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft . Berlin, Stuttgart . 27.1904, pp. 363-366
Kaemmerer, L. (1894), [Rezension von:] Fabriczy, Cornelius von: Il codice dell'anonimo Gaddiano. - Firenze, 1893. In: Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft . Berlin, Stuttgart . 17.1894, pp. 144-147. Loeser, Ch. (1902), [Rezension von:] Fabriczy, Cornelius von: Die Handzeichnungen Giulianos da Sangallo : kritisches Verzeichnis. Stuttgart : Gerschel, Sonderdruck aus : Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft. Berlin, Stuttgart. 26.1903, 4 S. , 8.